Thursday, 10 October 2019

Homemade Crumpets

If there was ever a crowd pleasing breakfast in my house, it would be crumpets.

With supermarkets now introducing novelty shaped crumpets at Easter and Christmas time, their popularity is at an all time high for my tribe.

As always, I like to be able to make my own alternative to our favourite baked goods. Limiting sugar, preservatives and cost alongside increasing flavours.

Crumpets are a lot simpler than I thought so here is my recipe. Adapted from several recipes I found online - this was the perfect mixture for me. Enjoy!

Makes 8 - 10 depending on size of baking ring /cookie cutter

You will need:

225g plain flour
180mls warm milk
180mls warm water
1tsp baking powder
2.5g powdered yeast
1tsp salt

Skillet and baking rings (although I also tested using metal cookie cutter and it worked just as well)
Butter or low calorie oil spray for greasing

In a bowl, whisk together all the ingredients. You should end up with a batter the consistency of double cream. Thick but pourable. Not stodgy. If it's thicker than cream, add a little extra warm water. There should be bubbles forming in the batter immediately once you have finished whisking .

Cover the bowl with cling film or wax wrap and leave for 1-3hrs depending on the time you have available.

The batter should have lots of bubbles now - meaning it's ready to go!

Grease the skillet and place the greased baking rings in it on a high heat.

Once hot, pour your batter into the rings about half way up. I found this easier to do with a ladle. Cook for 5 mins or until you can move the ring around the skillet freely. Flip it over and press the crumpet through (you may need to run a knife around the outside to free it)

Cook until golden (about 3 mins)

Serve hot or leave to cool and toast later!

The star shaped cookie cutter worked just as well as the baking rings. These could make a fantastic Christmas breakfast using star and Christmas tree shapes. Just ensure the cutter is metal, not plastic!

My children & Husband have taste tested and confirm they are better than shop bought! They certainly didn't hang around long!

What will you put on yours?