Wednesday 24 February 2016


Today I had a little baking time with my youngest daughter and her little friend.

I love to do baking with my children. As a child I spent a lot of time with my Mum in the kitchen, watching her bake cakes and prepare meals for our family. Most of which was home grown ingredients from our gardens or orchards.

Today we decided to make biscuits with a twist- the twist was.... the ingredients were chosen by the children. 

Can you tell I was feeling brave?

Together the girls chose (along side the usual Flour, Butter and Sugar ) dairy free chocolate buttons, Marshmallows and Rice Crispies. 

We followed no particular order , and there was a lot of giggles and mess but they had a fantastic time. Both girls were able to get their hands into the dough mixture and really mix it together.

We formed the dough into balls which they placed onto a greased baking paper covered tray ( I was not sure at this point how well these creations were going to come out!)

They went into the oven at 180 for 15 minutes until they had turned golden brown and let off an amazing smell !

The official tasting went down well once cooled- there was utter silence from both sixteen month old and two year old giggly girls. They were that good!

My little guest chef took some home to her family and my little chef was able to share her half of the creations with my eldest daughter and husband when they came home. They also went down very well!

I have decided that we should call them 'Bookies'! Not quite biscuits- not quite cookies- Bookies

Why not try letting your children lead the baking this week and see what you come up with!


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